Developing a financial plan is a good step towards achieving your financial goals. Life insurance can strengthen your financial plan by helping to ensure that, in case you pass away unexpectedly, your loved ones will be able to maintain the lifestyle you’ve earned so they are free to pursue their dreams.
Here are a few other benefits of TD Term Life Insurance:
Term life insurance is one of the simplest forms of life insurance. You’ll always know what you’re paying for, and what your beneficiaries can expect.
Generally, term life insurance offers the most coverage at the lowest initial premium for a set period of time.1 Plus, you can get up to 10% off2 your term life insurance policy premium if you bundle with select TD Insurance products or you meet other eligibility criteria.
Your premiums are fixed and guaranteed not to change for the length of the term.
You can also convert your TD Term 10 or TD Term 20 to permanent life insurance coverage before you turn 69 with no questions asked.
Your life insurance coverage through a group plan may not be enough. And if you change employers, you may lose your coverage. Having your own term life insurance policy ensures you are financially covered in the event of death despite any changes in employment or employer.
If you pass away during the term of your policy, your designated beneficiaries will receive a tax-free, lump-sum death benefit.
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